FAQ: Managing Sales Tax with EverLogic & QuickBooks Integration  

Have a question about how sales tax works with your EverLogic and QuickBooks integration? You may find your answer in this article.

Sales tax is a vital process for every merchant that uses EverLogic software. It is a process that is unique, sometimes down to our customer level, and it is continually changing. There is no room for error. Every transaction must be accurate.  


1. How will sales tax be calculated and reported with my EverLogic and QuickBooks integration?   

Answer:  You will primarily rely on EverLogic to calculate and provide instant reporting on all sales tax items; State, Local, City, County, RTD, etc.    

    • EverLogic delivers various items to QuickBooks. Items can include unit inventory types, payment types, and for our discussion, sales tax types. For Repair Orders and Invoices, it totals each type of sales tax. It delivers each with a dollar amount to QuickBooks via an Invoice.   
    • You can access your EverLogic-based sales tax account via your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts. It will be named similarly to Payable Accrued Sales Tax or Accrued Sales Tax Payable.   

  2. Why can't I pay my sales tax like I did in QuickBooks?   

Answer:  Due to QuickBooks restrictions, EverLogic cannot merge or combine with the QuickBooks Sales Tax Account. There are a few reasons for this.   

    • Since EverLogic completes the calculation in its system, it produces a dollar amount rather than a rate. One reason is that EverLogic has various customers, some of whom do not use QuickBooks. To provide usable sales tax data quickly and easily to both types of customers, EverLogic provides the dollar amount format.     
    • If you relied on QuickBooks to manage the sales tax process, it would require a repetitive back-and-forth data delivery between EverLogic and QuickBooks. Not only would the system be considerably slower. 

3. How can I review or audit the Sales Tax Account(s)? 

Answer:  You can audit or validate the reported sales tax totals of the EverLogic and QuickBooks systems by following the following procedure:  

Auditing Sales Tax: EverLogic & QuickBooks  

  1. From EverLogic, print the Sales Tax by Department Report.  
  2. From QuickBooks, go to your Chart of Accounts and print the specific EverLogic Sales Tax Account Quick Report. You will also want to print the default QuickBooks sales tax Account Quick Report, Sales Tax Payable. You may need to adjust the date ranges for each report.  
  3. Is the EverLogic based, QuickBooks COA account (possible naming convention of Accrued Sales Tax) the same amount as the amount reported on the total sales tax in the EverLogic report, Sales Tax by Department?  
  4. If not, go through each listing to find the discrepancy.   
  5. Is there a transaction/recorded sale missing from QuickBooks? Is there a duplicate sale listed in QuickBooks?  
  6. You can complete a manual posting on either system to capture the missing sale.   
  7. After the Registrar of the EverLogic created a sales tax account and the EverLogic Sales Tax by Department report match, you can now proceed with your internal process of completing the billing process.