1. EverLogic Knowledge Base
  2. Accounting / Bookkeeping

List Unposted Stock



1. Navigate to Office Operations and select List Unposted Stock

2. Click the plus sign   to expand Location

3. Locate the Item and double-click to display the detail on the right-side 

4. Confirm all details are accurate and ensure the bolded fields are completed

5. Leave the Bill Only option selected (Do not use the other options without consulting with your accountant.)

NOTE:  Mark as Posted is ONLY used when the stock has already been manually posted in QuickBooks.

6. Save 

NOTE:  The Bill is sent successfully when the message "The bill was created in QuickBooks."  displays.

NOTE:  A similar message to the one below will display, when the Vendor on the stock, being posted, is not matched to a Vendor currently in QuickBooks. Click Yes, to automatically add the Vendor to QuickBooks


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