I can't find my refund in QuickBooks

If the credit card refund was taken as a payment and there were other payments, then the refund would be subtracted from the total. These will be in your Undeposited Funds account, assuming your company is using our standard mapping. 

ex. a:

                                                                                                                         Payment   100.00
                                                                                                                         Refund       (25.00)

                                                                  Amount sent to Undeposited Funds  75.00


If the credit card refund was greater than the amount that was taken on a given day, then the net negative amount will be in the Undeposited Funds-Returns account. 

ex. b:

                                                                                                                         Payment   100.00
                                                                                                                         Refund    (125.00)

                                          Amount sent to Undeposited Funds-Refunds  (25.00)


Another possible reason the refund is not showing in QuickBooks is that the Invoice or RO that includes the payment was not closed. In the case of an open transaction with a payment on it, the drawer count will be over for the day. On the day the open transaction is closed, the drawer amount will be short, however, the funds have already been accounted for.


Related Articles: 

Accepting / Refunding a Deposit on a Deal

Accepting / Refunding a Deposit on Invoices / Repair Orders

Accepting / Refunding Credit / Debit Card Transactions on an Invoice or Repair Order

Entering a Refund Deposit in the End Of Day

I can't find my refund in QuickBooks