Reverse a Purchase Order

1. Navigate to the Parts & Service Tab and select Search Parts PO

2. Locate and open the Purchase Order to be reversed

3. Choose Reverse from the PO Options drop-down menu

RESULT:  A new Parts Purchase Order will be generated, with the Quantity and Part Total displayed as a negative.

4. Right-click on the Part(s) not being return

5. Select Remove Item, or manually adjust the Qty of the item

IMPORTANT:  Do not remove the items you wish to return. 

6. Access the Parts & Service Tab and select Receive POs

RESULT:  The Qty Received will show as a negative.

7. Continue to List Unposted POs and mark as Credit Only

RESULT: The Purchase Order will show as a Credit Only.


Related Articles: 

Adding a New Part / New Part Inventory

Creating a Parts Purchase Order

Receiving a Purchase Order and Creating a Back Order PO

Search Part Purchase Orders

Using Alternate Part Numbers

Using Suggested Reordering to Create a Purchase Order

Where is my Purchase Order in QuickBooks?