Search Parts Invoice

1. Navigate to the Parts & Service Tab and select Search Invoice

2. Choose from the available search parameters

Search Options
  • All / Open / Closed / Voided 
  • Invoice Number - Key the Invoice number. 
  • Location - The Location will default to the current Location, use the drop-down to change. 
  • Invoice Type - Retail or Rental.
  • Salesperson – The person who created the part invoice.
  • Stock # - Search by Stock Number, if the System Rule is set to collect stock information instead of shipping information. 
  • Last Name – The Customer's Last Name.  
  • Phone Number – The Customer's the phone number, the system will only search the Home Phone Number.
  • Part# - Enter the part number. 
  • UPC# - Enter the UPC number. 
  • Age > - Enter the number of days in aging to see invoices. 
  • Use invoice Date or Use Closed Date – Click the check box, then choose from the top row to select a pre-defined date parameter or pick your own dates.

3. Click Search

Toolbar Options

  • Search - Search the criteria selected.
  • New - Start a New Parts Invoice.
  • Edit – Invoice will open for editing, if the status of the invoice is closed, it will open in View Only Mode.
  • Print – An Invoice List Report will print if Print Formatted Report is Selected.
  • Export – The grid results can be exported to Excel.
  • Hide / Show – Will hide / show the search criteria and only show the result grid. 


Possible Error 

If an error message is received, check to see if there is a blank space on the Payment Device Address of the Workstation, if so, delete it.


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