Using Labor Codes and Part Kits

Labor Codes allow you to set-up Part Kits. This will save you time, by attaching the required parts to the Labor Code, the parts will automatically be added to the Service Job.

NOTE:  Part Kits can be used on Invoices and Repair Orders, the example below references a Repair Order.


Using Labor Codes

1. Access the Service Items Tab on a Repair Order

2. Choose the Labor Code

Two ways to access Labor Codes

      • Use the down-drop menu in the Labor Code Field
      • Click the Binoculars Icon 

NOTE:  If the Labor Code used has an attached Part Kit, the necessary parts will be added to the Part Items Tab of the Repair Order. 


Using a Part Kit, if it is not attached to the Labor Code

1. Access the Part Items Tab of the Repair Order or Invoice

2. Right-click anywhere in the Blue Parts Box of the Repair Order or Invoice

3. Choose Add Parts Kit

4. Select the desired Part Kit 

5. Click Add

IMPORTANT:  There is a System Rule to consider when using Part Kits, be sure the Rule Answer for UpdatePKPricing is set to your preference.



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Creating Labor Codes & Part Kits