Customer Data Extract / Export

Customer data in EverLogic can be easily exported to be used in programs such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

1. Navigate to the Sales Operations Tab and select Search Customers
2. Key search parameters
3. Click SearchUntitled-2

4. Filter search results

  • Right-Click on the list and select / deselect the columns to be included
    If there is inconsistent data - for example phone number - and that is the desired data, you can exclude customers with no phone number by clicking on the filter icon in the column header for phone and selecting (NonBlanks).  This action can be performed on multiple columns as needed.

5. Click the Export Button  

6. Save the report to your local drive, as an Excel File


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Customer Alerts

Customer Association "Co-Customer"

Deleting a Customer

How to Locate / Re-activate a Deleted Customer

Merge Customer Records

Create Customer Prospecting Statuses

Using Customer Prospecting Statuses

Customer Time Zone

Moving a Deposit Between Customer Accounts

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Customer Follow-Up Reminders Set-up

Changing Customer Prospecting Statuses Follow-up Timelines

Mobile Customer