Customer Search

1. Navigate to Sales Operation and select Search Customer

2. Key filter criteria :

    • Active Customers – selected by default – deselect to include inactive customers
    • Location – will default to your selected location
    • Salesperson – includes salespeople from all locations
    • First Name – all or portion of customer first name
    • Last Name – all or portion of customer last name or company name
    • City or State or ZIP – enter any one of the three
    • Sales Tax No.
    • Preferred Make or Model – if one is keyed in the Customer Wish List
    • Select Category – part price category
    • Phone Number – only home phone number is searched
    • Include History – select if you want to include history
    • Last Activity – displays Customers who have activity during the selected date range
    • Date Entered – displays Customers who were entered during the selected date range
    • Prospect Status – select one status to filter your customer selection


3. Click the Search Button to display search results

4. Toolbar options include the following:

    • New – add a new customer
    • Print – print the customer data that was loaded
    • Export – export the data that was loaded to an Excel file, to save on your local drive
    • Hide / Show – will hide / show the filter criteria
    • Group By – allows you to drag a column header for filtering presented list
    • FlexView – select and save a specified view of the list 
    • Refresh – clears any filter criteria currently selected



Related Articles: 

Adding a New Customer

Customer Alerts

Customer Association "Co-Customer"

Deleting a Customer

How to Locate / Re-activate a Deleted Customer

Merge Customer Records

Create Customer Prospecting Statuses

Using Customer Prospecting Statuses

Customer Time Zone

Moving a Deposit Between Customer Accounts

Update Customer's Address Zip Code, using the "plus-four code"

Customer Follow-Up

Customer Follow-Up Reminders Set-up

Changing Customer Prospecting Statuses Follow-up Timelines

Mobile Customer